The Importance of Gutter Maintenance

Gutters and Downspouts are silent workhorses that protect your home from decay, rot and structural compromise. Often times the astute homeowner will discover the need for gutters immediately during or after a rainstorm—wet basement, wet crawl space, pooled water at the outside wall of the home.

Roof leaks can occur unexpectedly and according to Murphy’s Law will often happen during the most inopportune times. It would be ideal to have predictable leak locations to regularly inspect and monitor for possible damage. Unfortunately, that is just not logical or realistic. You can, however limit your opportunity for leaks by maintaining your roof and gutters through regular inspections.

A regular inspection should include areas surrounding your roof that could include damage or even lead to leakage problems like the gutters. Most often deterioration of your roof due to aging or severe weather conditions is what promotes leaks. Leakage can also occur and continue as a result of damaged or clogged gutters.

Gutter Maintenance

Lack of maintenance to your roof will allow you to miss a simple cleaning of your gutters which can reduce the possibility for leaks and other roofing problems. Even if you feel you don’t have the time or available funds to apply to a routine home inspection, you can afford to clean the exterior of your home including the roof and gutters. Regular cleaning is an inexpensive investment into your home and will reveal potential problems. Learn exactly what can happen when you neglect regular maintenance on your roof and gutters.

Keeping Clean Gutters Will Reduce Opportunity for Leaks and Preserve the Longevity of Your Roof

Because gutters are the exterior drainage system of your home it is important to keep them clean and well maintained. Gutters can easily become clogged with dirt and debris. They can also be damaged during extreme or severe weather conditions. Whether clogged or damaged, if your gutters are not draining water away from your home properly, you could be currently or potentially facing serious problems at an expensive price. Clogged gutters can lead to cracks in your foundation due to water pooling around the foundation instead of draining away from the exterior of your home as it should.

Rotting wood also results from water building up and remaining stagnant for days or longer in some cases forcing the decomposition and decay of your home wood materials. Replacing a cracked or damaged foundation along with wood fascia that exists around your home as a result of water leakage are fairly expensive repair projects.

It is much easier to avoid these types of costly repairs by taking the necessary time and limited expense of cleaning and maintaining your gutters to avoid leaks and promote optimal drainage of water away from your home. Protect your home and ensure its beauty and longevity by properly treating it with regular cleaning and maintenance.

Never underestimate the power of your gutters. Sure, they may seem useless but, in reality, it is your gutters that keep the rest of your house from crumbling. When your gutters are blocked, cracked or damage, you may notice that the entire roofing system is faulty. You may also notice your roof collapsing right before your eyes.  If your gutters are not working properly, then you can expect additional problems down the road.

MN Seamless Gutter Systems Protect Your Home

Find out how a seamless gutter system can mitigate water problems from the roof to the foundation by directing water away from your home. Of course if you want gutter guards so you never have to climb that high ladder and clean your gutters ever again, there is a solution to that too!

For your gutter cleaning, maintenance or replacement needs, or to inquire about gutter options, talk with a Minnesota Gutter Installation Expert today!