ice-dam-gutter“Hello from the other side! I must have warned you a thousand times! To tell you that, I’m sorry that your roof collapsed. But, it doesn’t matter because you’ve got so much cash….” For all you Adele lovers out there, don’t be the one caught on the other side looking back at the things you should have done. Just like Adele’s heartbreaking song, you will be sorry for the things you didn’t do to prepare for this cold, winter season. Fortunately, it’s not too late to make a change. To prevent extensive damage to your Minneapolis, MN home, contact Minnesota Leafless Gutters to come out and assess your home before ice dams start to develop.

Ice Dams

So how did ice dams get their name anyways? No, it’s not because the ice was so annoying that they cursed it up and down. As snow gathers onto the roof of your home, it builds a nice sheet over the entire roof. Without proper insulation and ventilation in your attic, warm air is released through the roof, causing that snow to melt. As temperatures drop, the melted snow freezes and turns into ice. The process then begins during the next snow. Overtime, your roof will gain layers upon layers of thick, sheets of ice, and eventually, your roof will be unable to handle the pressure, causing leaks in the roof, and it may even collapse. The last thing you want is your roof to collapse during a Minnesota snowstorm!


Now, we don’t know what Adele did to ruin her relationship in the past, but at Minnesota Leafless Gutters, we know exactly what we need to do for ice dam prevention. Since overly warm attics are the main cause of ice dams, installing additional insulation in the attic area is an easy solution. We can inspect your attic area. including your attic stairways and hatchways to help prevent ice dams.


What goes in must come out, right? Are the proper vents covered? Is it ventilated at the proper ratio? Do you need additional vents? How is the integrity of your roof? All of those questions are easily answered during our Ice Dam Prevention screening. Your roof is one of your most valuable assets. Making sure it’s intact and protected should be a priority this season.

Don’t sing the same song that Adele did this season. Before your roof ends up in shambles, call Minnesota Leafless Gutters and let them check the condition of your roof. If you live in Minneapolis, MN, contact us today at (612) 221-0362.