Importance of Gutter DownspoutsAs a homeowner, keeping water as far away as possible from the structure of your home should be a top priority if you’re looking to keep your home in good shape long term. How do you keep the water away from your home’s foundation, you may ask? Well, a functioning gutter system is the best way. Your gutter system, however, will only go as far as your gutter downspouts will take it. The importance of functioning gutter downspouts is something that our team at Minnesota Leafless Gutters prioritizes with every project that we take on in MN. Gutter Downspouts are a big part of making sure the water drains away from the foundation.

Gutter Downspouts 101

For those that are unfamiliar, a gutter downspout is the long, hollow aluminum tube that connects to the gutters of your home and flows downward to the ground. The downspout collects the water from the gutters and navigates it down to the ground away from the structure of your home. The curved bottom of the downspout is what helps direct the water away from your residence. Without functioning gutter downspouts, the rainwater that builds up in your gutters will not have a way to flow away from your home. In turn, foundation issues could arise down the road.

Dangers From Faulty Downspouts

If your property has faulty downspouts, there are potential issues that you should be aware of. For those homes with basements, you might find yourself dealing with water leaking into your basement because of the fact the downspouts aren’t functioning correctly. Water can easily seep through the foundation and into the basement if water happens to pool up in one area because of failing downspouts. Another danger from faulty downspouts that you should be aware of is yard erosion. If the downspouts aren’t properly pushing the water away from the foundation of your home, water will often collect in one specific area. When water sits in one place for an extended period of time, it can cause the yard to erode. The quicker you let our team of gutter experts repair or replace your gutter downspouts, the less likely you’ll have to deal with these potential dangers.

While your gutter downspouts may not be something that you think is very important for the overall health of your home, you may change your mind when you see the damage that can occur when downspouts fail. The truth is that gutter downspouts are extremely important. If you are looking for a trusted, experienced and affordable gutter company in MN that specializes in gutter downspouts, Minnesota Leafless Gutters is the perfect team for you. Give us a call today at (612) 221-0362 or email to learn more about the importance of gutter downspouts.