MN Cold Weather ChecklistThe leaves are turning, temperatures are falling, and it is getting darker earlier. What does that mean? Winter is on its way. This year, we have had cold temperatures even sooner than some years, so it is time to prepare your home for winter. Here are some things you can do now to protect your home from the winter weather that is on its way:

1. Check your insulation: Your insulation is one of the best defenses your house has against cold temperatures. It helps your home keep the warm air inside and keep the cold air from seeping in. Over time, your insulation can break down and may need to be replenished. In addition, if you do not have enough insulation in your attic, you can be vulnerable to ice dams on your roof, which can cause roof damage and ultimately water damage.
2. Protect your pipes: A pipe that bursts can cause major water damage in your home. Pipes can burst when they freeze. Now is a good time to have your pipes inspected for cracks and leaks and make sure to disconnect all outdoor hoses.
3. Complete annual maintenance on your heating system: Nothing is worse than turning on your heat for the first time and realizing it is not working. Rather than risking that, be proactive and have your heating system checked ASAP to avoid a problem with your heat.
4. Clean your fireplace and chimney: Before you make your first fire in your fireplace, you should inspect your fireplace and chimney for any debris or small animals that may be using your chimney as their home.
5. Repair your gutter system: Your gutter system is the key to pushing water away from your roof and foundation, which prevents water damage. If you have standard gutters, you will need to have your gutters cleaned well before winter so that water can continue to flow through easily. If your gutter system is in need of replacement, a seamless or leafless gutter system is a great investment.

Maintenance Free Gutter System Installation in Minnesota

Minnesota Leafless Gutters can help you protect your home from the winter ahead. We can come to your home ASAP and do a free gutter inspection to ensure that they are working appropriately. If not, we can make affordable recommendations for repair and/or replacement. We offer leafless gutters that can be customized to your home and that require little if any maintenance. For more information about our seamless gutter systems, call us today at 612-221-0362 to schedule a free estimate.