Ice Dam Removal MNWe all have one in the family…that crazy uncle that says, “hey, watch this!” Generally this is preceded by family members shaking their heads and then a trip to the local emergency department. Don’t let this be you this winter! So many home and business owners make the mistake of trying to remove dangerous ice dams located on their roof. Unfortunately, either further damage to the roof or injury to themselves often occurs! Don’t stress about this treacherous winter task another season, it’s time to call experienced ice dam removal professionals! If you live in Minnesota, you are acutely aware of the need for safe ice dam removal and fortunately, Minnesota Leafless Gutters is here to help! We specialize in Minnesota ice dam removal and have experienced professionals on staff to get the job done right!

Time Is Money

The major factor in affecting damage to your home is time. If the dam gets large enough, the melted snow can collect up under the roof shingles and start a leak in your home! Gutters can often fill with ice so heavy that they can bend and even break away from the house! Don’t ignore your ice dam problem, let experienced ice dam removal professionals get the job done as quickly and safely as possible!

Safety Is The Key

Homeowners that attempt to go up on an icy or snowy roof are not only risking further damage to their home but also to themselves! Too many people get hurt or even killed just because they thought it was a simple job they could handle themselves. People think that Minnesota ice dam removals can be easy so they use hammers, shovels, ice picks, or even chainsaws to try and remove the ice dams. Put your wasteful tools and reckless energy away! Let our experienced ice dam removal professionals handle this job safely and efficiently!

At Minnesota Leafless Gutters, we perform ice dam removal with steam so that we prevent any damage to the house or to our professionals. Our technique works and is guaranteed to get your home back into tip top shape!

Minnesota ice dam removal can be a dangerous task! Call the people that know what they are doing! Call Minnesota Leafless Gutters today at 612-221-0362!