Blaine MN Seamless Gutters and Gutter Guards

You’ve probably heard that adding curb appeal can increase the value of your home.  It’s true!  And to underestimate its importance is a BIG mistake. Your home could be absolutely perfect on the inside, but a bad view from the outside can literally turn people away. In fact, an amazing 82% of surveyed real estate agents have had potential buyers decline to look at the interior of a house due to its exterior appearance. Most people concentrate so much on interior home renovations that the exterior is all but forgotten.

It’s Called Curb Appeal!

The curb value of your house depends on one thing: the buyer’s first impression. By the time they knock on your door, buyers have already formed an opinion. If the house has no curb appeal then nobody is even going to want to see the inside of the home so it doesn’t matter what you do to it.  However, when buyers see that you have done a good job of keeping the exterior of your home in good condition, it can make the difference between a pass and a purchase!

Just think about how you would feel walking up to the sidewalk as you approach a house you might buy. The first thing you would notice is the exterior. Picture the difference between a modern, orderly, attractive exterior and a house with a pile of old tires in the driveway and gutters falling off the house. Hmmm! I know what I’d think.

If you want to increase the resale value of your house, you need to grab the buyer at first glance with a clean, neat, beautiful exterior. Homeowners who maintain their house’s exterior can add as much as 5 percent to 10 percent to the value of the home and it will sell 10 times faster!

Seamless Gutters and Gutter Guards

Trust me… the pool of buyers who want a home with a well maintained exterior is much, much larger than the pool of buyers who want to buy a house that looks like a total wreck. I can’t think of anyone on the planet who would.  You had better be prepared to drop your price by about as much as it would cost a new owner to make repairs to your relic.

What better way to update your Blaine MN homes exterior and increase its value than installing new seamless gutters and gutter guards! It is one of the easiest and inexpensive things to do to dramatically change the look of your home. Ideally, the closer you can get your home to “move-in-ready” sta­tus, the more likely you are to attract today’s cautious and discerning buy­ers.  And the more likely you are to get top dollar!