North Oaks MN Seamless Gutters and Gutter Guards

If you’ve put off those home improvements while waiting for the economy to perk up, there’s good news!  Home improvement and remodeling spending in 2013 is the best it’s been in almost a decade. So, now is a great time to show the exterior of your home some love. Like installing new gutters and gutter guards. It is one of the easiest and inexpensive things to do to dramatically change the look of your home.

Seamless Gutters

There are many different gutter materials to choose from, including steel, aluminum, vinyl, copper. Many types of gutters are sold in 10’ lengths and require dozens of seams fastened with slip fittings, each one is a weak spot and a potential leak site.  With seamless gutters, however, there is less of a chance of leaking. This means less worrying about water damage to any part of your home, including your siding, landscaping, foundation or anything else. ANY water next to your home’s foundation is NOT a good thing!

Any water that collects near your house will seep into the soil and eventually find its way into your basement. Water will always find a way.  Before you know it, you have a wet basement. Water Damage to basements are estimated at over $47,000 per incident! And foundation repairs are estimated at a minimum of $10,000 per incident. That’s not chump change!

The permanent solution to properly divert water away from your house is to install seamless gutters along with gutter guards that can be installed onto your existing gutters, in most cases. If rain gutters are installed properly, they will look great, prolong the life of your foundation and reduce future cost of repairs down the road.

Cold forming technology exists to allow continuous gutters to be created, on site, in long individual lengths suitable to roof edge conditions, thereby reducing joints along the length of the gutter.

By feeding a coil of pre-finished material into a forming machine, we are able fabricate the desired shape and length of gutter required. Each section is seamless, and has the obvious advantage of being virtually leak proof and extremely sturdy. Installed with inside hidden hangers and stainless steel screws, there are no unsightly nails to diminish the beauty of your home, and more importantly, screws will not pull loose like the nails used years ago.

The term seamless gutters can be confusing because there are seams in the system. The seams are only at the corners and downspout outlets. These joints are fastened more securely and sealed for stability and leak resistance. The Seamless Gutter itself is continuous which makes them both strong and visually more appealing. And we all know homes with more curb appeal will fetch a better price when it comes time to sell!

Contact a professional North Oaks MN seamless gutter specialist today for an evaluation of your home. You’ll be glad you did!