St Paul MN Seamless Gutters and Gutter Guards

It’s that time of year again. The days are getting shorter and the nights becoming longer. Temperature drops and people are preparing our homes to take on another bone chilling Minnesota winter. From arctic blasts in winter to violent thunderstorms in spring and summer, the Minneapolis-St Paul area gets more than its fair share of extreme weather. Don’t we know it!

Winter may still seem a long way off, but, the chilly, Minnesota weather has a way of sneaking up on us, and the first cold snap can occur well before the first official day of winter. Don’t let cold temperatures catch you off guard. Instead, here are a few things you can do to ensure you stay warm and your home stays safe and energy efficient throughout the season.

Prevent Ice Dams

Although those sparkling icicles hanging from your St Paul Minnesota home may look pretty, once you understand their potential for roof damage, they tend to lose their appeal. The problem with icicles is they can create an ice dam, which prevents water from draining off the house and instead allows it to pool along the roof line and cause wood rot, water-logged ceilings, and soggy insulation. Not to mention, the sheer weight of ice and water can cause your gutters or part of your roof to collapse.

The best way to eliminate prevent ice dams once and for all is to properly insulate your attic, so the roof stays cold and not warm enough to melt fallen snow. If you noticed icicles last winter, it’s probably time to upgrade your insulation and seal up any air leaks (warm air from inside the house seeping into the attic). The improved insulation will also lower your energy bills, and you may qualify for a state or federal energy-efficiency tax credit or rebate.

Clean Gutters

Leaky or poorly installed gutters are as good as having none at all!

You may need to clean your roof gutters a few times throughout the fall season to make sure they are empty and fully functional for winter. To prevent water or ice buildup, it’s important that rain and melted snow can drain freely from your roof and away from your home. Remember, the water should drain at least 3 to 4 feet away from the home’s foundation, so, if necessary, add an extension to your downspout.

If you let water collect along the foundation, it WILL eventually find its way inside your home. It simply has no place to go. That rain can do a lot of damage to your home if your gutters aren’t controlling it. Remember, a gallon of water weighs over eight pounds. Your gutters won’t take the weight for long. If your gutters are not working properly, then you can expect additional problems down the road. But, a properly installed seamless gutter system will reliably drain water away from your house for many, many years.

If you are concerned about the condition of your roof and gutters, contact a St Paul MN Gutter Installation Expert before the first big winter snowfall. If there are any special problem areas that need repair, and product application that will prevent future damage, an expert will be able to advise on products, materials and applications that are best suited for your home.