Stillwater MN Seamless Gutters and Gutter Guards

If you live in Minnesota, I don’t have to tell you winter in Minnesota can be described in many ways, but unpredictable isn’t one of them. Don’t we know it! At some point, it will snow and temperatures will drop below zero. And judging by the last few weeks, this winter is already shaping up to be a rough one! The 2014 Farmer’s Almanac is predicting a white Christmas and a very C-O-L-D and snowy winter for much of the USA and they seem to be right on target. Brrrr!

Minnesota winterGutters & Gutter Guards

So anything you can do to protect your home from Mother Nature’s wrath is a must! That includes inspecting your gutters!  Compared to other aspects of your home that might need attention, it’s one simple task that often gets overlooked. But, it is one of the easiest and inexpensive things you can do to prepare your home for the cold winter months ahead.

While you’re at it, you can make the chore easier by installing gutter guards. They help keep debris out of your gutters, which means less work for you and fewer worries that something will go wrong. By ensuring that water flows freely from the roof, they prevent damage from backed up water and ice dams when snow starts to accumulate.

This is the time of year when having the phone number of a Stillwater MN Gutter Installation Contractor can be a real blessing.