Gutters, Down Spouts and Drainage Part 1

Among the most common reasons for moist basements and crawl spaces is an inadequate gutter, downspout, and drain system. Gutters are required at all locations where water drains off the roof. Gutters and drains need to be adequate in size and quantity to handle all but the heaviest of torrential downpours. The purpose of the entire system is to divert the water collected on the roof away from the house and its foundation.

The diverted water may be drained into a storm sewer or an on-side “french drain” or similar system. We recommend that homeowners review the adequacy of their gutter, downspout, and drain system on an annual basis. This can be done during a heavy rain, at which time all of the water from the roof should disappear into the gutters and flow through the downspouts and the drains, without spilling over onto the ground next to the house.

Gutter Systems

Seventy five percent of foundation space moisture issues can be attributed to poor roof drainage.  For a home to be energy efficient, durable and attractive, proper roof drainage systems are mandatory.

The Purpose Of Gutter Systems

The purpose of a guttering system is to collect water (rain) from the roofing area and disperse the water away from your home. Properly configured downspouts (leaders, drain pipes) are very essential.


When it rains hard (not just a sprinkle), walk around your house and see if the water is draining away from your house without standing or puddling. If you see puddling, note the places the problem exists. The solution to the problem is positive water shed. That means the dirt should be higher at the foundation and slope away from the house at the rate of one inch per foot, and extend pass the roof line. If your house has gutters, be sure that both gutters and downspouts are free from obstruction, i.e.. leaves, etc. The downspouts direct the water away from the house past the roof line. Be sure that you have not built a dam around your house with landscape timbers, concrete trim, sidewalks or metal trim, which will not allow proper drainage. If you have a severe problem, it might be necessary to cut a swale or depression in the ground to direct the water. The last solution may be to install a French Drain. Remember, too much water in the rainy season is just as bad as not watering in the dry season.

Seamless Gutters

There are many different gutter materials to choose from, including steel, aluminum, vinyl, copper. Many types of gutters (steel and vinyl in particular) are sold in 10′ lengths and require dozens of seams fastened with slip fittings, each one is a weak spot and a potential leak site.

Another alternative well worth considering is the installation of seamless aluminum gutters. Seamless gutters must be fabricated on-site by a professional contractor.

The term seamless gutters can be confusing because there are seams in the system. The seams are only at the corners and downspout outlets. These joints are fastened more securely and sealed for stability and leak resistance. The Seamless Gutter itself is continuous which makes them both strong and visually more appealing.

Quality Gutters Professionally Installed

Rain and snow may be good news for your lawn – but very bad news for your home. Without proper channeling, water can wreak havoc on concrete surfaces around your home, create a wet basement and in general put your home at risk. Homeowners who are serious about quality home maintenance choose seamless gutters.

Seamless gutters, custom crafted to match your style and fit perfectly, can provide the lasting quality that you are looking for in water runoff control. “No seams” means no rust or unwanted dripping.