Professional Roof Snow Removal Services

Roof Snow Removal MNThe snow is falling once again and the rooftops are looking white. While snow is pretty and can be fun for winter activities, it can also cause damage when left to build up on your roof. Long time Roseville, MN residents will remember cold seasons when ice dams were common and some roofs collapsed under the weight. Trying to remove the snow yourself can be very dangerous. It is best to call in the Experienced Team from Minnesota Leafless Gutters. We have provided Professional Roof Snow Removal Services for nearly two decades.

Hazards Of Snow Covered Roofs

Allowing heavy snow to collect on the roof of your home can be a big mistake. The weight of snow can be surprisingly heavy. Think of when you have shoveled very wet, dense snow from your walkway. The burden of lifting a single shovel full of snow can be exhausting. Now multiply that by the size of your roof. It can be like parking a large SUV on top of your house.

Most roofs can handle the weight of a single snowfall that blow off or melts within a few days. But, snow that builds up during a freeze-thaw cycle often becomes a hazard for your home and possibly anyone inside of it.

  • Roof Collapse
  • Ice Dams
  • Damage to Gutters, Downspouts, Flashing and Fascia
  • Water Seepage destroying insulation, drywall, flooring and ceilings
  • Fire Danger due to water infiltrating electrical fixtures
  • Structural Damage
  • Icy Entryways where water drips and freezes on the surface
  • Injury from Falling Off of the roof when attempting to clear the snow

Signs Of An Overloaded Roof

Determining how much snow is too much snow on top of your roof can be a little tricky. It depends on the condition of the roof, density of the snow, spacing of the rafters and trusses and so on. There are signs to look for to help diagnose if a problem exists.

  • Cracked or Bent Rafters
  • Rotted Roof Deck
  • Cracking or Popping Sound
  • Doors or Windows that become difficult to close
  • Severe Roof Leaks
  • Cracks in Walls or Masonry

Experienced Snow Removal Teams

Minnesota Leafless Gutters is here to help Roseville, MN homeowners safely remove snow from their roofs. We have highly Experienced Teams that provide professional snow removal services. We have been Safely and Efficiently removing snow from Minnesota rooftops for over 18 years.

For a Free Estimate Call: 612-221-0362. OR Email: