Ice Dam MNAs beautiful as the white winters in St. Paul, MN are, the snow can become hazardous and arduous if it is on or around your home. All of us here in St. Paul have experienced their first glance at this year’s upcoming winter — and you can bet it’s going to be a cold one! Winter snow storms and heavy snowfall is inevitable. Stay warm and toasty this winter and let our professional roof snow removal team remove all of the dangerous snow from your roof! Minnesota Leafless Gutters is the absolute best company to call to protect your home and your family from the damage of heavy winter snow on and around your home!

Dangers of Snow on a Roof

We aren’t going to lie to you. Snow can be a beautiful thing. There is something about looking out your window and seeing the first snowfall of the season that can be magical. At Minnesota Leafless Gutters, we specialize in knowing the dangers and hazards that snow drifts can make. Snow, especially when wet, can become extremely heavy if left in one place for too long. Eventually all snow melts and can potentially turn to ice. If even the slightest new snow drift occurs, another layer can be added onto your roof, causing excess weight that can lead to a collapsed roof and leaks! One square foot of 1” deep snow weighs approximately a pound. St. Paul, MN can easily see 12” mounds of snow on roofs in one snow drift, making one square foot of snow around 57 pounds! Adding all of this additional weight to your roof increases the risk for ice dams, leaking, and roof cave-ins — none of which any homeowner wants to deal with in the winter! So don’t wait, call our experienced team that excels in residential roof snow removal!

Experienced Roof Snow Removal Team

Snow and ice can seem like fun until you slip and fall! Many homeowners that try and do it themselves can wind up with a much larger hospital bill than if they just called a professional! Save money and and lots of pain and hire our experienced team of experts! Our team at Minnesota Leafless Gutters is bonded and insured and have been performing residential roof snow removal for over 18 years!

Minnesota Leafless Gutters has our professional roof snow removal team ready to be put to work! If you live in St. Paul, MN, don’t wait until it’s too late! When the snow starts falling, please call us at 612-221-0362!