Roof Snow Removal MNMinnesota Leafless Gutters is in the business of gutters, whether it’s repairing, installing or replacing, we are your superior choice. That being said, our business is something we care about, which is why we also offer professional roof snow removal. We want to keep your gutter investment safe, your roof from leaking and help you see minimal issues due to winter weather. We have a couple of inches on roofs all over St. Paul as of now and they are talking about more snow this weekend. Now is a good time to get snow off your roof, before we accumulate more.

No Snow Melt in Sight

While it’s slowed down to a small snowflake here and there the snow is here to stay. Cooler temps are not going to allow the snow on your roof to melt at all or at least not completely and that may very well lead to another expensive issue. When snow is continually present on a roof it could lead to leaks, cave-ins, which is not very likely with the amount we have just seen and one more, unfortunate issue…

Ice Dams

This is a spendy issue. Often ice dams start because heat is escaping from your roof, which usually isn’t that big of deal, except it may be costly. But when snow is on a roof and the heat warms it, to the point of melting, the melted snow will move down the roof and because it is still cold outside it will then re-freeze as ice, usually along eaves and gutters, where there is no escaping heat. That is why you see sections of ice accumulating around, in and on top of gutters and roofs.

Ice Dam Issues

We may have not experienced a foot of snow but all the snow on your roof could potentially melt and travel to the same spots, creating one heavy, icy mess. That mess on your roof has the potential to tear down gutters and even lead to interior water leakage, leading to roof rot or mold growth – creating drywall damage, attic issues and a whole heap of property owner issues.

We have more possible snow on its way this weekend, call our roof snow removal experts and don’t let your worries hang over your head. We can be reached at (612) 221-0362.